Moonprint Solutions is an engineering company with services that include product development, consulting, and prototype manufacturing. They work collaboratively with clients to fulfill needs identified by government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA, as well as commercial companies of all sizes. Moonprint personnel use softgoods such as textiles, coated fabrics, and membranes, to create inflatable or flexible products to solve challenging problems.

Moonprint is also currently working on several cutting-edge development programs for NASA. These include portable water containers for astronauts to use on the south pole of the Moon, glovebags for use on the International Space Station to support critical experiments on new materials, a softgoods repair lab for future space stations, and protective covers for lunar surface robotics that prevent highly abrasive lunar dust from entering and destroying sensitive mechanisms.  

“When we walked into the Moonprint Solutions warehouse, an enormous 150-person self-deploying life raft being developed for US Coast Guard mass rescue operations was spread across the floor. There is no right-side-up; whichever side faces up once the raft hits the water and inflates is the ‘right’ side. By the time we left, the enormous life-saving device had been meticulously folded so that it fit into a large duffle bag, which unzips itself when dropped from a helicopter or thrown into the water from a ship. Unlike normal lifeboats – which need to be lowered into the water and cannot be accessed if a ship is turned on its side – these rafts can be accessed regardless of a ship’s position.”
— Anne Pfaelzer de Ortiz, Director of Development and Operations, DFSME, about visiting Moonprint Solutions LLC in Dover, Delaware

“Because of the cutting-edge materials used to make the device, it is light enough to be handled by a single person. This is just one example of the remarkable solutions to important problems created by this small Delaware company.”

Moonprint is a proud Delaware company that strongly supports education entities including DFSME, The Delaware STEM Council, The Delaware Space Grant Consortium, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics local educational outreach programs.

 To learn more, visit